Saturday, 24 May 2014

Problems/hinderences for people who really want to get into a real life BDSM

as many of you people wanted, I am finally upto this post...

well I do know many bullies, who just call themselves a Dominant or a Master will try to objectify this... still let them try...

First is Caste and / or religion....
Well being in a secular (oops, may God save me for using this word) country, even if a person find a deserving partner, its just the caste/religion that comes in the way...

Second is Horoscope
Well what can u do... if just my date and time of birth decides everything, then y should i study for my so called career? so no point in talking this thing too

Third is status
well this differs... for a female its just some pic; for a guy its just liking/loving/commenting on pics... especially in an indian world that lives in internet....

Problems/hinderences for people who really think they want to get into a real life BDSM

well these are uncles and aunties... who had got divorced and looking for some guy who can claim to be a master yet have so much money, coz after their dad's money and the so called "boy friend's" money and their ex husband's money and all of the males' food, gifts, dates etc, they do need to find a replacement for their loose p*ssy after inserting the many fingers.

We all know this is not such a blog... so let me stop here...